Conversations with Clients: Aleah Traylor

In their conversation, Thomas Wurm and Aleah Traylor discuss the transformative power of breakthrough sessions and alternative therapy, emphasizing the importance of safety, energy clearing, and spiritual healing in personal growth. They explore the four requisites of change—release work, vision building, action, and results—while highlighting the significance of community and integrating spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Through practices like Qigong, Ho'oponopono, and the tools at Mountain Mind Tricks, they reflect on how movement and emotional expression have been crucial in their healing journeys.

~Bailey G.~

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Thomas is a compassionate, educated, and skilled practitioner. I felt comfortable and safe beginning the unfamiliar process from the first time we spoke. I had an open mind and was excited to try something new to achieve the goals I had always set out for myself. Although the Breakthrough Session is an in-depth approach, it helped me understand the lessons I needed to internalize and let go of the problematic patterns and defenses I built inside. With Thomas’s excellent guidance and patience, I could release the negative emotions, memories, and thoughts that often plagued me unconsciously. As a result, I immediately experienced a positive shift in my feelings, energy, and beliefs.

I have reached all the goals I set out to achieve following the Breakthrough session with Thomas. The experience was so profound for me as an individual and a therapist that I became trained in the process of helping others the way that Thomas helped me. I highly recommend working with Thomas and Mountain Mind Tricks, as the progress has been life-changing and offers a new and highly effective way of treating chronic mental and emotional issues that traditional therapy sometimes cannot provide.

~Joe Fiorentino~


I believed that I was broken beyond repair with every ounce of my being. Living in constant anger and grief, with anxiety through the roof, I had lost faith in myself and was living in a cyclical journey of discontent…One day, while sitting in a hospital waiting anxiously for test results, the universe spoke, and a fire was lit inside me to ask for help. Through the help of a medical doctor, I met Thomas Wurm. Before this point in time, I had tried traditional therapy on multiple occasions, and I never took to it; I never felt like I was being understood, that I was just being pushed medications I didn’t truly need, and that I had no way out.

The first time Thomas spoke to me, I felt understood instantaneously. We both came from similar backgrounds with similar experiences, and almost everything he said resonated with me. For the first time, hope was born within me, and I knew from there that I could create the life I wanted to live. He spoke to me with compassion and encouragement and has helped me develop the tools to continue improving my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

There is no one-size-fits-all to mental health and self-betterment, and Thomas understands that. I believe Mental and Emotional Release® is developed around that notion. So, if you are “lost” and “broken” as I felt I was, and you seriously want to work for a better, healthier way of living and thinking, I cannot be more passionate in my recommendation of Thomas. He is a lifesaver. Thank you, Thomas!

Brittney King

Pleasure Priestess & Creatrix IG: @goddessbrittneyking

“For me the MER helped me release “baggage” and made room for so many new things in my life. I was less anxious, less emotionally “raw” and I felt more grounded for the first time in a while. The Mental Emotional Release is just the beginning. After…


Helitack Supervisor

The MER helped me release “baggage” and made room for so many new things in my life. I was less anxious, less emotionally “raw,” and felt more grounded for the first time. The Mental Emotional Release is just the beginning. After that, you have to take action and focus to get exactly what you want. Thomas supports you every step of the way to ensure you get your results.”

Thomas is one of the most beautiful people I’ve had the pleasure of working with. His ability to truly listen to a person and become in tune with their energy is next level. He comes from a lineage of healers and has a gift passed down to him through generations. Every time I work with him, I go away after our sessions more in tune and connected to my higher self. Thank you, Thomas! You are a true friend and healer.

~Ben Strahan~

Hotshot Superintendent

~Nikki Zielinski~

Nurse Practitioner

Thomas and I crossed paths at a turbulent time in my life. I was electively unemployed for the first time, seeking guidance on living a fuller existence defined by acceptance rather than suffering. I work as a nurse,  but some damaging, unconscious behavior patterns were inhibiting me from being able to perform the basic duties of my job, and I felt utterly helpless to change them. Most of these behavior patterns center around my inability to communicate or express myself clearly when I don’t feel safe or comfortable. I have struggled with self-expression most of my life since growing up in a busy, urban environment in a high-achieving family left me little space to breathe and begin to understand myself.

From a young age, I hardly felt comfortable in my environment, and my communication patterns reflected that, characterized by self-doubting remarks and verbal disfluencies that I continue to struggle with as an adult. While working as a nurse, many day-to-day situations are stressful and highly demanding. During these, I often feel my old childhood feelings of uncertainty and anxiety bubble to the surface and plug up my throat, preventing me from saying even the most basic phrases that, in normal, non-stressful times, I can express with ease. 

Thomas’s calming, gentle presence instantly made me feel safe and able to trust the authenticity that rings in his speech. After a few phone calls with him, I joined him and the rest of the group in Mexico since I felt that releasing these old childhood traumas was the only way I would ever be free to exist normally in my adult life. The retreat in Mexico focused on release work through a mixture of guided meditations, group rituals, and alternative therapies. It was led by a team raised within the context of these traditional healing modalities for generations. The group was kept small to only seven of us, which was great because it allowed us to bond quickly and deeply during our healing process and work closely with the practitioners. 

I can say with certainty that this trip was the most meaningful experience of my life, and it allowed me to release my traumas in ways that are difficult to describe in words. I experienced full emotional catharsis for the first time in my life, screaming and shedding tears during our healing processes that originated from a deep well of suffering within my being that I had been subconsciously avoiding all my life.

To get a lifetime’s worth of anxiety, rage, panic, and despair out in a week was transformational for me. I hadn’t realized how much my daily life was centered around avoiding moments of stillness for fear of what emotions may surface. The retreat facilitated an environment where I felt safe to sit with my darkest emotions and empowered to expel them in whatever way my body needed. I left Mexico feeling lighter than I ever had, buoyant even, as I could sit and bob with the waves of existence for the first time without anxiety and fear interrupting my contentment.

The liberation that Thomas’s retreat has offered me cannot be overstated: my present self is no longer held captive by my past. I am now free to consider a future self that may be the highest self I have so long been seeking. I am deeply grateful for and inspired by the services given to me in Mexico by Thomas, Dorea, Juanita, Rocio, Danny, Dante, and everyone else who facilitated our retreat. I cannot recommend Thomas’s services enough. I strive to facilitate the same magnitude of healing in others as Thomas has facilitated in my nursing career and beyond. I hope the same for everyone else who was part of my retreat.


"My Breakthrough Session with Thomas was amazing. The Mental-Emotional Release really helped me to identify blockages and obstacles I didn't even realize were in my way. The entire session helped me get past self-imposed barriers and focus on things that are really important to me. I was able to lock on to what I truly wanted and eliminate all the white noise and distractions. I recommend this therapy for anyone who has trouble focusing on what's important in their lives or those who need direction and clarity."


@landolegend619 👈

When I began working with Thomas, I had several important goals: finding my life partner and publishing my first book. Then, build my coaching/healing private practice. Thomas helped me hone in on my goals, making them specific and developing realistic action steps to achieve them.⁠

But even more than that, Thomas led me through a process that I can only define as life-changing. The Mental Emotional Release® (MER) he guided me through gently but profoundly liberated me from so much. And it helped me reclaim pieces of my heart that I didn't even realize I had lost along my path. As a result, my chest literally feels different now. ⁠

Since beginning to work with Thomas, I have found a meaningful, enjoyable relationship. I've finished the first draft of my book, which I'm now engaged in publishing, and most of all, I've forged a better relationship with myself.⁠

~Devin Rivard~

@life.spring_up.welling 👈

~Aleah Traylor~

Emergency Medical Technician

Thomas is an extremely skilled and intuitive healer; he is profoundly kind and one of the few people I have felt completely safe with. From the first moment I heard Thomas’ voice, I knew he was someone I could trust and would eventually work with. Thomas’ ability to effortlessly create an environment of comfort, safety, and connection is beyond words. I felt completely safe with Thomas and felt seen and understood. Thomas helped me achieve what is considered the “unachievable.” For my entire life, I had been in constant fight-or-flight, causing me to feel unsafe in expressing my authenticity; I had been bound and blocked by programming, and through our work, I realized what no longer served me. Thomas was able to help me break the programming and guide me to cosmic freedom and into the responsibility I have for my highest self and the power within my heart. My Breakthrough Session and Mental-Emotional Release® were life-changing experiences because I learned I am in charge of my mind. For the first time in my life, I can breathe, feel the power within, and feel completely present. Thomas, thank you. I am eternally grateful and eagerly look forward to working with Thomas again soon!

@aleahtraylor 👈

Daniel Ide

Master Practitioner of NLP, Hypnosis, and Mental and Emotional Release®

I had the pleasure of working with Thomas to create a breakthrough in my personal growth and development as part of my training as a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).⁠

The session could not have been a better match-up for me with Thomas as my Master Practitioner. My stated goals for the session in personal growth and development were to affect other areas of my life that were directly affected by my success in this area.⁠ Little did I know that Thomas was not only a sensitive and intuitive practitioner but also a very skilled guide who practiced the craft of helping others realize the connection between all aspects of their personal and professional values.⁠

As the session progressed, it became clear to me that I was emerging from a pall of learned hesitations about my stated goals and that I had been resting uncomfortably on an abundance of energetic opportunities that were just waiting for my mere activation. This was a knowing, and I received it with ease and comfort once recognized. ⁠Then, as if there could have been more, I was delighted by a most synchronistic moment wherein my stated desire to author a book on my professional philosophy of practice was met by Thomas’s announcement of having achieved similar success and that he was more than willing to support me in the fulfillment of my writing aspirations. ⁠

This generous offer then fulfilled my unspoken desire for support from an outside resource in my career goals. Thus was the intention of my breakthrough session met in an instant: personal growth and development are supporting all areas of my life.⁠

I highly recommend Thomas Wurm for his intuitive skills, ⁠professional knowledge, and personable demeanor. I assert confidently that, for anyone willing to work with him openly and honestly, yours will be an equally, if not better, experience to enjoy. I regard Thomas as a talented healer, a professional guide, and a mentor to my own personal and professional development.⁠

Before working with Thomas Wurm at Mountain Mind Tricks, I had made the tough decision to leave wildland firefighting due to my mental health. However, after experiencing a Breakthrough Session and Mental-Emotional Release, I felt and saw instant changes in myself. My mental health improved enough to return to wildland fire, and I completed my 6th fire season. I continue to see improvements in all aspects of my life as I attain my dream of rappelling into fires.⁠

~Laura Wilson~


I am grateful to have found Thomas. He is the epitome of unconditional love and acceptance. There is an air about him that put me at ease from the moment we met. I've been searching for healing and peace. I've tried various trauma healing modalities that worked at the time, though the Mental and Emotional Release® I experienced with Thomas was different on an entirely different level. This experience was soul-mending as opposed to trying to get over an issue. Through working with Thomas, I released the emotional bondages that had enslaved me. ⁠

As a result, my mind doesn't race, and I feel a sense of acceptance of my experiences, self, and the world. My migraines and cluster headaches have disappeared, which is a miracle. Sometimes I wonder why I am not worried or compulsively thinking or analyzing 'something.' It's been different to feel at peace. ⁠

Recently, I had to take a 4-hour exam as a final prerequisite for my graduate degree. I was stressed, and Thomas offered to meet unexpectedly and during off hours to perform a hypnosis technique to help me perform well on test day. Test day came, and technology issues prevented me from testing for hours, and then I remembered the techniques Thomas had taught me to stay calm. Ultimately, I passed my exam and will graduate with my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Thank you, Thomas, for helping me listen to my highest self. The answers truly are within me, and Thomas helped me find them. ⁠

~Carlie Gentry~

Fire Module Leader

For most of my life, I have been hurting and seeking to heal the pain within me. My troubles began at the age of thirteen when my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was given six months to live, and our family began looking for any measure to elongate the sudden, precious, short amount of time we had together. His passing when I was sixteen brought about a depression that still haunted me decades later. I spent much of my late teens and twenties on various medications. By my thirties, I added traditional talk therapy to my healing process. Still, I often found myself in a very dark mental state as I battled to overcome whatever it was that had its grip on me. In a time of genuine fear for the future, I reached out to Thomas from Mountain Mind Tricks. I had heard of his work passing from a fellow wildland firefighter; however, it was non-traditional from everything I had been exposed to. I hoped it might introduce me to an avenue of support I could not find within the traditional system. 

My work with Thomas began with a Breakthrough Session. Over several extended sessions, we worked beyond blockages in my life I had not been able to breach in years of therapy. I had never experienced techniques like Mental and Emotional Release®, and the process helped me understand events, patterns, emotions, and beliefs in my life and gave me a greater sense of control by simply harnessing the power of perspective. Thomas encouraged me to practice meditation, gratitude, and regular journaling. He assisted me in creating daily and weekly habits that fed into the power I was beginning to harness.

 A miraculous side effect of our work together was my ability to manifest secure housing for myself in a very tight housing market in a ski town in Colorado. I was financially struggling to set proper roots in a town that had provided a very fulfilling job for me but also offered very few affordable housing opportunities. Thomas introduced me to the powers of manifestation, and through his guidance, I was able to find myself as a winner of a lottery for a brand-new condo offered by the local housing authority.

I now had a career I loved and a stable housing situation that allowed me to continue to grow in my job. However, I was still struggling with anxiety and pervasive negative self-talk. Thomas suggested I consider partaking in a mental health retreat in Mexico that Mountain Mind Tricks hosts each year. A retreat focused on group intention, prayer, and ancestral healing with indigenous elders. I was nervous because it was again a whole new world of therapies, but I knew the power of everything I had experienced before with Thomas and decided to trust the process. 

The retreat from beginning to end was a sacred experience I will forever cherish. Despite the fears and anxieties I brought down to Mexico with me, they all proved to be for naught, as I found myself held with deep care and love by every individual I met. The group of participants was very small, and a matching number of practitioners were devoted to the participants' service. The nature of this personal setting made our work so much more effective as we truly got to know each other's hearts and souls throughout our time together. The rituals surrounding each meditation introduce me to an understanding of intentionality that I have never known before.

The integration circles let the walls around my heart drop their barriers with a sense of relief and pleasure. While each participant and support person was on their journey in life, we all came together to carry each other with love through these intense and emotional experiences. I experienced a beauty of human connection that I had never felt before, and as someone who has spent much of their life working on close-knit crews and teams, that was something I believed I understood deeply. But there is no comparison to laying your heart before others and having them receive it with compassionate love. The retreat was intense mentally and emotionally. But I was left with a soft power, a strong understanding of myself, that I had never imagined would be mine. The work is not done. Life is a long journey, and I’ve gone beyond fixing myself and entered a healing process. I’m walking into my future with a love and appreciation for parts of myself I once deeply judged, and I now have many tools to assist me in creating the life I deserve.  

I tried EMDR and intense therapy and went to a specialized retreat that helped me heal immensely two years ago, but I didn’t feel complete yet. My PTSD was manageable, and I understood it would never go away, but I was intrigued after hearing Thomas explain how Mountain mind tricks worked.

Before my Breakthrough Session, I was still sitting in an ill-lighted room. Then, Thomas opened the door, extended his hand, and walked with me to a new way of being. He still challenges me to become 1% better every day as I focus on my routine and homework.

If you are open to alternative therapy, the work is life-changing, and you will step into your light. The sessions are radical, even psychedelic for energy-sensitive people—maybe a bit scary when I attempted to resist my unconscious mind.

The Breakthrough Session and Coaching program at Mountain Mind Tricks is work, and your reward is deep mind, body, spirit healing.

~Jessica Church~

@missamerica93 👈